Essential Oils and Roll-Ons – PURAS Malaysia
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PURAS Essential Oils come in four distinct notes – Floral, Earthy, Leafy and Citrus. The pure and unadulterated essence of plants, extracted with precision and purity in mind. Each Single Note Essential Oil comes with its own potent benefits, allowing it to be used on its own when diluted with carrier oils, or combined with other essential oils to temper and enhance its most significant properties. Which are you most in tune with?


Drawing predominantly from deeply researched formulas developed by notable French physicians, Dr. Jean Valnet and Dr. Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, PURAS Synergistic Blends have been carefully fine-tuned over the years to create exceptionally balanced alternatives for holistic well-being.


How to Use Essential Oils (EOs) ?

Essential oils are naturally occurring, aromatic compounds found in various parts of a plant. They are volatile in nature and evaporate quickly. Each oil can be used in a variety of ways. The most common methods are via diffusion or topical use.  


Diffusion and inhalation are the most common and effective ways of using essential oils. Essential oils can be inhaled directly, indirectly, via diffusion, or even steaming, to stimulate and improve our overall health and well-being.  

To use in a diffuser, add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil per 100ml of water.  


Essential oils can be applied on pulse points, specific locations that require soothing, or acupressure points. Most essential oils must be diluted with a carrier oil before being applied directly on the skin as they are very highly concentrated and may cause irritation.  

Safety Guidelines


It is not recommended for children under the age of four to use essential oils. Children from four to 18 years old should use EOs with proper dilution. For roll-on products, the dilution should be 20%; for topical oils, the dilution should be 1%. 


Pregnant women should avoid using clary sage, as it can induce contractions. It is also not recommended for women to use EOs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or while breastfeeding. 

List of Essential Oils, Roll Ons, or Blends to be avoided during Pregnancy:

• Clary Sage 

• No More Antsy

• Calm The Storm

• Ease The Storm

• Clarity

• Quiet Moment

• Gentle Horizon